Gap Analysis

Reach your goal from your current situation.


Gap Analysis

What Is Gap Analysis for Businesses?

Most of the business owners are probably spent a long time getting their business systems in place, developing the perfect combination of procedures and programs to achieve their business’ goals, and training their team on those systems. Sometimes, you happen upon the perfect systemic combination. Other times you don’t. That’s called a gap between expectation and reality in your systems’ collective performance, hence the expression Gap Analysis.

Can you recognize when you don’t have a perfect combination of programs and systems and if so, what to do about it? That’s why Electronic Minds can assist you.


Gap Analysis

How Does Gap Analysis Work?

The Gap Analysis term from a business point of view means taking an in-depth look at your business’ procedures and systems, examining their purposes, identifying any weaknesses that are, places where their results fall short of your desire, and determining a way(s) to fix them. While there is a myriad of business areas (e.g: sales, customer service, HR) and situations that can use the Gap Analysis process, here are a few examples that illustrate the broad range of ways a company can use a Gap Analysis:


Gap Analysis

Gap Analysis for Business Processes Comparing

Another way of using this kind of analysis is to compare two sets of the processes of your own business.
Say you have a set of computer systems, for example, that perform tasks T1, T2, T3, and T4. You just purchased another, more comprehensive system that can accomplish tasks T1, T2, and T3…but, not T4. And, in reality, there would likely be other tasks the two opposing programs would perform, and in different ways, requiring a sub-analysis to account for those.

Our Gap Analysis experts would examine and compare the capabilities of your two systems, determining where their true differences lie, and in turn answering the question of whether or not it would benefit you, or even be possible to:

  • Delegate a task previously fulfilled by your old system to the new one.
  • Improve the old system so as to render the new one obsolete.
  • Take on a completely new system.
  • Merge bits of systems 1 and 2 to create something new.
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It's a Great Tool to Analyze Your Organization

If you need Gap Analysis for your business or you have any questions about it, Contact Us.

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